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From this former Kansas appellate judge, an open letter to U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran

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U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran speaks at an April 4, 2024, cybersecurity conference at the University of Kansas.

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran speaks at an April 4, 2024, cybersecurity conference at the University of Kansas. (Sherman Smith/Kansas Reflector)

Dear Jerry:

We go back decades, to law school days when we were figuring out where to head with our careers. After graduation, I was glad to join you at the Stinson law firm in Kansas City, where we learned about law practice and you met your wonderful wife, Robba.

We have remained friends, though not always in touch after I moved into a nonpartisan career as a judge, and you — obviously — were not in a similar mode. (Reader: I left the bench in 2020, so I am now free to comment on public events.) So much about what you have done in your career is admirable. As the congressman from the Big First, you made sure that you visited every county, even ones with only 2,000 residents, for a town-hall-style meeting every year. Even now, you don’t hide, and you have committed to continuing your public presence.

We disagree about lots of things, and that’s fine. I’m a Democrat; you’re a Republican. On many issues, I don’t expect we’ll agree. But I think we’ve always agreed on many of the big-picture things: The United States should be the leader of the free world, and it should keep its word when commitments are made. Just as Kansans do locally, the United States should help others when they are in need and we can help. We should follow the rule of law, and everyone should be treated equally in our justice system.

You’ve often spoken about things like this. Last week, you’ve spoken in support of Ukraine and free trade.

But this is a time when more than words are needed from our leaders.

While you spoke about support for Ukraine, the Trump administration voted against a United Nations resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; we voted with Russia, not Ukraine and our European allies. The Trump administration canceled a U.S. Agency for International Development grant to fix the Ukrainian electrical grid, which is under constant Russian attack, then “paused” military support for Ukraine, and now has stopped sharing vital intelligence information.

While you spoke about free trade, the Trump administration instituted large tariffs against two of our closest allies, Canada and Mexico, making a mockery of free trade in North America — something that you have said is clearly in the interest of Kansans (and the national interest too).

There’s much more going on. Let’s take two recent decisions:

That’s not about good management. No good manager, within two months of taking over a business, would do something like that unless the business was in bankruptcy. Nor does it make sense to sell buildings when the administration just ordered federal employees to return to work in person.

Consider the treatment of federal workers. Like you and me, they chose to work in the public sector because they wanted to do something good for their country. They deserve our thanks, not indiscriminate firings and requests to move all over the country as the buildings they work in are sold out from under them. And if there are more government workers than we need, they deserve a decent exit, not an email to clear out their desks in 30 minutes (or less).

But there’s more here that’s worth fighting for — our justice system, our national security and our place in the world.

President Donald Trump pardoned more than 1,500 people for Jan. 6, 2021, offenses, including those who entered with a weapon and assaulted police officers. One could imagine pardoning some of the nonviolent offenders, even though they committed federal offenses. But pardoning violent offenders who attacked police officers? That was a betrayal of justice and the rule of law. Nor was the rule of law involved when the Department of Justice argued in recent court pleadings that the Jan. 6 pardons covered unrelated offenses, like unlawful possession of guns and classified documents at defendants’ homes in California and Florida.

Someone interested in running the military in the national interest does not come in and fire the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top naval officer, and the second in command of the Air Force unless there has been some malfeasance or refusal to follow lawful orders. Nor do you fire the top legal officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force if you want to uphold military discipline and order.

You and I both know the type of people who reach positions like that. Our law school classmate, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Clyde J. “Butch” Tate II, a Leavenworth native, was the No. 2 person in Army JAG before he retired. He’s a perfect example of the type of person who gets to that level: honest, highly capable, patriotic and a leader. I have not talked with Butch about any of this. I mention him only to say that we both know the type of people who were fired here. And it wasn’t about their job performance.

Nor was the cancellation of nearly all USAID foreign assistance about performance or efficiency. Despite Congressional appropriations of funding vital to people throughout the world, that aid was simply turned off. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov now says that President Trump’s foreign policy closely aligns with Russia’s. That’s not the America that you and I want. That’s not the America most Kansans want. And it’s not the America that most people voted for, whether they voted for Trump or for Kamala Harris.

You have held elected public office since 1989, and you have been a United States senator since 2011. You were the campaign chair for Republicans in 2014 and led the party back to the majority with a gain of nine seats. You have earned political capital throughout your career.

Now is the time to use it.

As a United States senator in a 53-47 majority, you have power. Please use it. Fight for justice, for the rule of law, for honoring our international commitments and real interests, and against chaos.

Stand against the erosion of justice. Defend the rule of law. Demand accountability for those who attack our democracy. Push back against reckless foreign policy decisions that weaken our national security and embolden our adversaries. Fight for Kansas farmers and businesses by rejecting damaging tariffs on our closest trading partners. Speak out against the politicization of our military leadership and federal agencies.

Our nation needs principled leadership. You have spent your career building trust across the state and in Washington. Now is the moment to prove that principle still matters more than partisanship.

If not now, when?

Steve Leben is a law professor and a former Kansas state appellate judge. Through its opinion section, Kansas Reflector works to amplify the voices of people who are affected by public policies or excluded from public debate. Find information, including how to submit your own commentary, here.

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1 day ago
Overland Park, KS
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About Republicans

As we’ve now said on our first-ever About Us page on our website, there’s something unique about humankind’s relationship with spices that time and again have caused spices to be a driving force for change. We live in a time calling out for change and for solutions to the very real problems our country and our planet face. There’s two very different futures ahead for us totally dependent on whether we solve these problems or not. With so much at stake we feel obligated to use the unique position spices hold in our lives to try to help promote the solutions to these problems as best we can.

Watching the slow decline of the Republican Party over the last half century, and the steep decline/bottom falling out over the last decade, it can be easy to see the nonsense that has overtaken the party as pretty much random. Once you start seriously looking at the problems America and the world face and who and what are standing in the way of solving those problems, it quickly becomes clear there is nothing random to what the Republicans are promoting.

The Republican departure from conservative values and embrace of what, from a distance, looks a whole lot like insanity didn’t happen by chance. All of it has been intelligently crafted with the goal of preserving the position of those who profit from the inhumanity that is at the very roots of pretty much every problem we are facing. From the environment, to racism/discrimination, to health, to saving our democracy at home and growing it abroad, half the time Republicans are intentionally blocking the solution to the problems we face. The other half of the time they are the problem we face.

The truth of our time is we’ve arrived at the point where there’s no way to respect the nonsense the Republican Party is promoting and have any hope of overcoming the problems we as a nation and we as a planet face. Given the choice between saving America and planet Earth or saving the feelings of Republican voters, we are choosing to side with saving our country and our world. I’m sorry it’s come to this.

And no, there is no HATE!!! in any of this. There is a whole lot of propaganda at the heart of much of how Republican voters have been steered away from conservative values to what they now seem all too happy to vote for. The thing to remember about propaganda is that it doesn’t just misinform, it also works to make people immune from the truth by convincing them any facts that counter their propaganda are nothing more than HATE!!! But we really have no hate for Republican voters. None at all.

I actually like and respect most of you guys. Sure, there are a growing number that are there for the racism, but I still believe the majority of you have good hearts that want to help and do the right thing. I know you to be trustworthy, and honest, and funny, and caring, and good souls. The problem isn’t what you are, the problem is what you are now voting to support. You guys have been turned around.

Remember when your distrust of big city types, and your deep rooted beliefs in paying your debts, respecting your marriage, raising kids willing to serve, honoring your word, and going to church every week had you voting for Donald Trump over Joe Biden all because Biden’s son had a computer? Or how you couldn’t vote for Hillary because she was over-prepared and used emails? I know that to you your actions seem rational and in keeping with your values, but when it comes to voting you are now consistently voting in people who are the exact opposite of you and the values you hold dear.

What does any of this mean? Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are. If you need us to pretend you are not creating the hurt you are creating in order for you to continue to be our customer, I’m sad to say you might be happier elsewhere.

If on the other hand you still want the best spices and don’t need us to respect what you now vote for to be our customer, Hooray! We are happy to have you here, but know that we will, on a regular basis, try to wake you up from this dream that has you believing there is anything conservative left at all to what the Republican Party has become. We can and will work without Republicans to solve the problems we face, but it sure would be nice to get back to a time where Republicans were equal defenders of equality, the environment, and democracy. We look forward to that day.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being here,


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4 days ago
“Given the choice between saving America and planet Earth or saving the feelings of Republican voters, we are choosing to side with saving our country and our world. I’m sorry it’s come to this.”
Washington, DC
4 days ago
Overland Park, KS
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4 days ago
Bill is great, he hasn’t given any fucks since ~2016, I’d have to check my mailers.

Another sibling owns The Spice House which is the other major player in the boutique-spice space. One extended family controls the American spice game.
Bend, Oregon

LGBTQ+ youth in Missouri and Kansas face higher suicide risk

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LGBTQ mental health is a concern for youth in Missouri and Kansas (Zachary Linhares / The Beacon)

In Missouri and Kansas, almost four in 10 young people who identify as gay or transgender have seriously considered suicide in the past year, and 15% have attempted it.

That’s according to a new survey by The Trevor Project, which asked 18,000 people ages 13 to 24 across the country questions about issues like depression and anxiety, bullying and access to mental health care.

Overall, the survey found that young people in the Midwest reported some of the highest rates of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts compared to youth in other regions of the country.

The survey also found that youth in the Midwest experienced the highest rates of reported physical threats and harm based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“We must be careful to reiterate that these young people are not prone to higher suicide risk compared to their peers,” said Ronita Nath, vice president of research at The Trevor Project, an organization that focuses on suicide prevention and crisis intervention in the LGBTQ+ community. “But rather, they’re placed at higher risk because of how they’re mistreated and stigmatized, including through anti-LGBTQ+ politics.”

Nath said results from the survey, conducted in 2024, are meant to offer policymakers, educators and other organizations a road map for how to change the environment.

“By reporting these numbers, we aim to highlight the ongoing risks LGBTQ+ youth face,” Nath said, “and reinforce the need for policies and support systems that protect them from these harmful experiences.”

In Missouri and Kansas, where anti-transgender legislation has been a central focus in the Republican-dominated legislatures, anxiety and depression are top concerns, according to the survey results.

Among Missouri respondents, 69% — including three-quarters of people who identify as transgender or nonbinary — reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety. In Kansas, 65% reported anxiety symptoms. In both states, almost half of young people said they had experienced depression.

‘Impacting everybody’

Jennifer Mahurin, a therapist who treats LGBTQ+ patients in the Kansas City area, has seen an uptick in anxiety since the November election, and since President Donald Trump began handing down executive orders aimed at limiting transgender rights.

“The messages that are coming into our schools, into our homes, into wherever we are,” Mahurin said, “are impacting everybody.”

Mahurin sees clients trying to deal with the anxiety in a variety of ways, from doomscrolling on social media, to looking for answers, to just tuning out. Her goal is to help them find healthy ways to cope.

“I’m usually checking in with them to see what is working for them, what isn’t working and where do they want to see the change,” Mahurin said.

Talking to a trained therapist can help with anxiety and depression, but therapy is not always an option. Appointments, especially with a therapist who takes insurance, can be hard to find. And in some rural areas, options are even more limited.

According to The Trevor Project survey, more than half of young people in Missouri who wanted mental health care didn’t get it. Of that group, 47% said they didn’t get care because they couldn’t afford it. The survey found that 46% of young people in Kansas who wanted care didn’t receive it, 43% because they couldn’t afford it.

Anti-transgender bills

In recent years, anti-transgender bills have been ubiquitous in Kansas and, to an even greater extent, Missouri.

Last month, Kansas legislators passed a law outlawing gender-affirming care for Kansans younger than 18. The ban applies to gender-affirming medical care, including puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy and surgeries, and also targets social transitioning, which critics say could even prohibit teachers from using a student’s preferred pronouns.

In Missouri, legislators have introduced dozens of anti-transgender bills, including several that would make permanent a previously adopted ban on gender-affirming care for minors, which is set to expire in 2027. Other bills would extend the state’s ban on transgender children playing sports for teams that reflect their gender identity, also set to expire in 2027.

The bill closest to the finish line that would repeal the sunset provisions of those laws is sponsored by Sen. Lincoln Hough, a Greene County Republican. He did not return a request for comment.

Other bills being considered in Missouri this year include restrictions about what gender people are allowed to list on state IDs, bathroom bans that require people to use a bathroom that matches their gender assigned at birth and a bill that would strip protections against discrimination for transgender people.

State Rep. Wick Thomas, a Democrat who represents parts of Jackson County, said Missouri Republicans are “trying to remove trans people from existence.”

“I think the next step, once there’s no legal trans person,” Thomas said, “is to then go after the gay community as well.”

Thomas, the state’s first nonbinary legislator, understands the toll the constant barrage of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has on people. They have met with dozens of LGBTQ+ young people since getting to Jefferson City. Telling them there’s little they can do to stop the bills, Thomas said, is one of the toughest things they’ve had to do.

But Thomas will continue to try.

“I want to be sure that I am not only standing up for my district and my constituents,” they said, “but also for my 16-year-old self who needed adult support and couldn’t find it.”

This article first appeared on Beacon: Kansas City and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Categories: Politics
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7 days ago
Overland Park, KS
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diet talk is so inexpressibly nonsensical the instant you know anything about “the human body” or…






diet talk is so inexpressibly nonsensical the instant you know anything about “the human body” or “nutrition” or if you think about it for three seconds

“this is a great, low-calorie meal for meal prep!”

okay how do I explain this to you. “calories” is the part of food that makes it food. you actually need calories to stay alive. so “low-calorie” is the opposite of a selling point. kind of makes it sound like I’m going to be putting in a lot of time and effort just to not be nourished

“I then immediately ruined the nutrition of the broccoli by pouring cheese all over it, but, hey, I tried”

okay hang on tight because this is a tough one. I’m going to try to explain the concept of “addition” to you. so the broccoli has a certain amount of calories, vitamins, and other nutrients in it, right? and the cheese has a certain amount of calories, vitamins, and other nutrients in it. and when you add the cheese to the broccoli, well… the nutrition of the resulting food can be found by adding the contents of both of its components to each other. I hope this helps

People who actually know about nutrition tell you to eat cheese and butter with your vegetables, because each has unique vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that your body struggles or straight up cannot absorb without something the other has. When you eat only raw veg because it’s “healthy,” you’re missing out on half its nutritive value because some of those nutrients require additional lipids or specific vitamins like vitamin A or D or E to be readily absorbed by your digestive tract and again to be used in different parts of your body. Dieting makes it so instead of just dumping out all your pieces in a pile and following the instructions you can build your flatpack shelf, it’s like placing each component in a different place in your house, and the shelf never gets built because you got tired of waking every time you needed something, so there it sits until one day you decide it’s garbage and throw it out. A little butter or olive oil and a quick stir fry turns your vegetables from expensive fiber supplements to bioavaliable nutrients. Have your berries with some cream or full-fat yogurt: it’s literally healthier and more complete nutrition. Put plenty of dressing on your salad. Have a steak: you need the iron. Stop starving yourself in the name of health because that’s not how that works.

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9 days ago
Overland Park, KS
9 days ago
seattle, wa
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I've got a costco membership and my tubes are tied. I just thought more people should know about this.

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

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9 days ago
Overland Park, KS
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Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids objects to Musk’s call for cancellation of $2.4 billion FAA contract

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Kansas Democratic U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, second from left, said the suggestion from billionaire Elon Musk, a budget adviser to President Donald Trump, to cancel Verizon's $2.4 billion, 15-year contract with FAA and hand that work to his own company Starlink created a conflict of interest. (Tim Carpenter/Kansas Reflector)

Kansas Democratic U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, second from left, said the suggestion from billionaire Elon Musk, a budget adviser to President Donald Trump, to cancel Verizon's $2.4 billion, 15-year contract with FAA and hand that work to his own company Starlink created a conflict of interest. (Tim Carpenter/Kansas Reflector)

TOPEKA — U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids of Kansas the administration of President Donald Trump shouldn’t cancel a $2.4 billion contract with Verizon and transfer work on the Federal Aviation Administration’s traffic control system to presidential adviser Elon Musk’s own company.

Davids, the 3rd District Democrat who serves on the aviation subcommittee of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, said the potential deal with Musk raised conflict-of-interest issues.

Starlink is part of Musk’s SpaceX satellite and rocket company — a business rival of Verizon. Musk also was hired by Trump to lead an effort to reduce federal government spending, including at the FAA.

“Elon Musk’s reported interference in a competitively awarded FAA contract is deeply concerning and raises serious questions about conflicts of interest,” Davids said. “Aviation safety — not private gain — must be the priority in our air traffic control system.”

Verizon was issued a 15-year contract in 2023 to integrate fiber-optic cables into the network allowing FAA facilities to communicate. The current federal air traffic control system is the responsibility of L3Harris, not Verizon, but Musk has repeatedly blamed Verizon for technology shortcomings.

“The administration must ensure federal contracts are awarded through a fair and transparent process, not at the whim of a billionaire with political ties to those in power,” Davids said.

In the past week, The New York Times, CNN and other news outlets reported Musk was interested in deploying his own company, Starlink, to operate the federal air traffic control system. The Trump administration has allowed Starlink equipment to be tested at at least two airports.

The issue of aviation safety was brought into focus for the Kansas congressional delegation Jan. 29 when American Airlines Flight 5342 originating from Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita collided mid-air with a U.S. Army helicopter while over the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.

All 67 people aboard the aircraft, including Kansans, were killed in the first major U.S. commercial passenger flight crash in more than 15 years.

In aftermath of the accident, members of the Kansas congressional delegation shared empathy for victims and their families and vowed to make certain the crash was thoroughly investigated. Five of the six members of the delegation took part in a moment of silence on the U.S. House chamber.

“Together, we commit to finding answers, and to working to ensure another tragedy like this doesn’t happen again,” said U.S. Rep. Ron Estes, a Republican serving the 4th District centered on Wichita.

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10 days ago
Overland Park, KS
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